Letter to File
Proposed Letter to File Requirements
If during the project any unusual circumstances, missing documentation or any minor deviations from established MDOT procedures are required related to construction documentation the Engineer must document a Letter to the File explaining the situation, reasoning, and solutions. All Letters to the File must include the following:
- Date and Job Number
- Pay item number
- A description of the issue/deficiency, deviation from contract or MDOT Construction Manual, including quantities and costs
- What was done
- Why was it done with reasons. Include quantities, applied statistical analysis, risk analysis, specific engineering principles, or other appropriate logic
- File in Closeout Documents subfolder in Folder 106 - Estimates and Closeout Package
- All must be Signed by:
- a. The Engineer in Responsible Charge (MDOT, LAP Engineer or Consultant)
- b. The MDOT Construction Engineer (if not the Engineer in Responsible Charge of the project)
The MDOT Construction Engineer signature is required on every Letter to File as condition of Federal Aid oversight. If the MDOT Construction Engineer finds issues with Letter to File content they will not sign the Letter to File and will return to engineer in responsible charge of the project for revision.
Post Construction Discovery
If a deficiency or deviation is encountered post construction or during the File Review Process, then the Letter to the File must also be signed by MDOT Region Construction Engineer.
If the Region Construction Engineer is the engineer in responsible charge of the project and the issue is discovered post-construction then the letter to file must also be signed by the Associate Region Engineer.
Major Deficiencies
For all major deficiencies, the Letter to File procedures must be altered to also include:
- Letter to File must also be signed by Region Engineer
- Distribution:
- a. Trunkline projects must have copies of letter sent to:
- i. CFS Engineer of Construction
- ii. CFS Certification Engineer
- b. Local Agency Projects must have copies of the letter sent to:
- i. MDOT LAP Program Section Manager
- ii. CFS Statewide LAP Construction Engineer
- iii. CFS Engineer of Construction
- c. Consultant Oversight Projects must have copies of letter sent to:
- i. CFS Engineer of Construction
- ii. CFS Certification Engineer
- iii. MDOT CPER team
- a. Trunkline projects must have copies of letter sent to: