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<center>[http://mdotcf.state.mi.us/public/specbook/files/2012/103%20Scope%20of%20Work.pdf 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION - SECTION 103]</center>
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The Work Order, [http://mdotjboss.state.mi.us/webforms/GetDocument.htm?fileName=1137.pdf Form 1137], is a written order signed by the Engineer and requiring performance by the Contractor.  Signed work orders have contractual status.  It is used to finalize field discussions between Contractor and Engineer in which directions have been given, or agreements reached on methods, units of work, or extra work to be performed.  An example of [http://mdotjboss.state.mi.us/webforms/GetDocument.htm?fileName=1137.pdf Form 1137] is shown in [http://hct591jbosds790/wiki/index.php/File:Figure_103.01-1.JPG '''''Figure 103-1'''''].
The Work Order, [http://mdotjboss.state.mi.us/webforms/GetDocument.htm?fileName=1137.pdf Form 1137], is a written order by the Engineer requiring performance by the Contractor.  It is used to finalize discussions between Contractor and Engineer in which directions have been given, or agreements reached on methods, units of work, or extra work to be performed.  An example of [http://mdotjboss.state.mi.us/webforms/GetDocument.htm?fileName=1137.pdf Form 1137] is shown in [http://hct591jbosds790/wiki/index.php/File:Figure_103.01-1.JPG '''''Figure 103-1'''''].
The form should be completed in as much detail as necessary for clear understanding of the directions or agreement. An item code and item of work (description) should be assigned to all items being added to the contract during preparation of [http://mdotjboss.state.mi.us/webforms/GetDocument.htm?fileName=1137.pdf form 1137].
The form should be completed in as much detail as necessary for clear understanding of the directions or agreement.  The order should be signed by the issuing Engineer and the prime Contractor's representative indicating understanding and agreement.
An item code and item of work (description) should be assigned to all items being added to the contract during preparation of [http://mdotjboss.state.mi.us/webforms/GetDocument.htm?fileName=1137.pdf form 1137].
The work order should be stamped by the issuing Engineer and the prime Contractor's representative indicating understanding and agreement. PDF stamps should be dynamic stamps, noting the name, time and date of each party.
Work orders should be signed by the prime Contractor, but on occasion an extra copy may be prepared for a Subcontractor.  Keep in mind that the prime may want to add a percentage for processing, which could cause a conflict with the price approved by the Region, Lansing and FHWA.
The prime Contractor may want to designate certain Subcontractors to sign work orders for convenience and dispatch. This designation must be put in writing by the prime Contractor.  It should be made clear that prices quoted by the Subcontractor, as designated representative, will be the final prices incorporated in a work order.
Work Orders are to be directed to the Prime Contractor, but on occasion an extra copy may be prepared for a Subcontractor. If negotiating new item pricing, Engineers are to coordinate final pricing and negotiations with the Prime Contractor in accordance with section 109.05 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. When required, work orders are to be followed up by a contract change order prepared and submitted to the Contractor for signature within seven days of the issuance of the work order.
When required, work orders are to be followed up by a contract modification prepared and submitted to the Contractor for signature within seven days of the issuance of the work order.
Engineers are urged to bring to the attention of FHWA area Engineers, imminent changes or extras when they are visiting a particular (non-exempt) project.  Often this will result in receiving approval of the FHWA representatives on the spot for the proposed work. If FHWA approval is obtained in this manner, a notation (including the name of the federal representative) to that effect should be made on copies of the work orders being transmitted to the Region office and the Lansing office.
For FHWA identified Risk-Based Project Involvement (RBPI) projects, Engineers must review the project's Stewardship and Oversight Plan to determine if FHWA preapprovals are required. If FHWA approval is obtained, a notation (including the name of the federal representative) to that effect should be made on copies of the work orders being transmitted to the Region and Lansing offices.
[[File:Figure 103.01-1.JPG|thumb|center|600px|Figure 103-1 - Form 1137 - Work Order]]
[[File:1137 - Work Order.pdf|thumb|center|800px|Figure 103-1 - Form 1137 Work Order Example]]

Latest revision as of 17:15, 23 October 2024

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The Work Order, Form 1137, is a written order by the Engineer requiring performance by the Contractor. It is used to finalize discussions between Contractor and Engineer in which directions have been given, or agreements reached on methods, units of work, or extra work to be performed. An example of Form 1137 is shown in Figure 103-1.

The form should be completed in as much detail as necessary for clear understanding of the directions or agreement. An item code and item of work (description) should be assigned to all items being added to the contract during preparation of form 1137.

The work order should be stamped by the issuing Engineer and the prime Contractor's representative indicating understanding and agreement. PDF stamps should be dynamic stamps, noting the name, time and date of each party.

Work Orders are to be directed to the Prime Contractor, but on occasion an extra copy may be prepared for a Subcontractor. If negotiating new item pricing, Engineers are to coordinate final pricing and negotiations with the Prime Contractor in accordance with section 109.05 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. When required, work orders are to be followed up by a contract change order prepared and submitted to the Contractor for signature within seven days of the issuance of the work order.

For FHWA identified Risk-Based Project Involvement (RBPI) projects, Engineers must review the project's Stewardship and Oversight Plan to determine if FHWA preapprovals are required. If FHWA approval is obtained, a notation (including the name of the federal representative) to that effect should be made on copies of the work orders being transmitted to the Region and Lansing offices.

Figure 103-1 - Form 1137 Work Order Example

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