FHWA’s Risk-Based Project Involvement (RBPI) Stewardship & Oversight Plan (S&O Plan)

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FHWA’s Risk-Based Project Involvement (RBPI) Stewardship & Oversight Plan (S&O Plan)

Various Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) involvement activities may be necessary depending on FHWA’s Risk-Based Project Involvement (RBPI) Stewardship & Oversight Plan (S&O Plan). Each project can have varying levels of FHWA involvement depending on what specific actions are listed on the S&O plan for the project. Please review your projects S&O plan for any actions or approvals required by your FHWA Area Engineer on the project. (Signing Contract Mods, VECPs, Inspections, Document Reviews, etc.) Keeping your FHWA Area Engineer informed of any unusual issues early will help ensure more efficient projects.

Your project's S&O plan can be found in the "Supporting Documents" folder in ProjectWise.

If you need to view the more detailed full FHWA RBPI S&O plan for your project the list of all RBPI projects can be found in the following directory in ProjectWise along with the detailed RBPI S&O plan for each project.

PW Folder All RBPI.jpg

Here is a link to the detailed RBPI S&O plan for this same project for reference.

For additional information on FHWA's Risk Based Project Involvement please review the Michigan Division Risk Based Project Involvement Guidance Document.