Standard Rounding Convention Guidance

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Standard Rounding Convention Guidance

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) utilizes the following standard rounding convention for accuracy and consistency for all quantity postings.

Unit Type Accuracy
Acre Area 0.000
Sft Area 0.00
Sin Area 0.00
Syd Area 0.00
Dlr Dollar 0.00
Ea Each 0.00
Ft Length 0.00
Lnmi Length 0.000
Mile Length 0.000
Rbmi Length 0.000
Sta Length 0.00
Cft Volume 0.00
Cyd Volume 0.00
Gal Volume 0.00
Lb Weight 0.00
Ton Weight 0.00

Calculations should not be rounded until the final quantity value is ready to be posted.

Standard Rounding Convention Examples

The following are some examples of how values should be rounded and posted.

12.25 x 55.18 = 675.955 Sft


12.12 x 44.30 = 536.916 Sft


1.81 x 19.54 = 35.367 Sft

Total: 1248.238 Sft / 9 Sft/Syd = 138.693 Syd

Posting: 138.69 Syd

12.25 x 55.18 x 1.12 = 757.070 Cft


12.12 x 44.31 x 1.11 = 596.111 Cft

Total: 1353.181 Cft / 27 Cft/Cyd = 50.118 Cyd

Posting: 50.12 Cyd

12 x 231 = 2,772 Sft


2,772 x 1Syd/9Sft = 308 Syd

308 x 110 Lbs/Sy-In x 1.5 In = 50,820 Lbs

50,820 / 2,000 Lbs/Ton

= 25.41 Tons

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